After almost 11 months of development here we are with a new snapshot!
Once again most of the work has been done under the hood: we conducted a full
code review, we removed a massive amount of dead code, we fixed a crash that
used to happen with the /listplayers
command and finally we updated our build
infrastructure so that now we only use compilers that have at least a
feature-complete implementation of the C++11 standard.
Furthermore, with the help of q3diff
, an in-house developed tool, we also
checked for correctness the geometry of our map Campgrounds and polished it.

Last but not least, thanks to 3 big updates the engine is now at version v0.46.0.
Next time we are going to add Quake III physics and a new map from the UT99 pool… stay tuned!
[NOTE: since there are no menus you should take a look at the instructions on the official wiki in order to know how to properly run the game.]